St Clare’s is a vibrant community of around 160 students in Tully – Far North Queensland. We value the wonderful reputation our school has earned and the dedicated and caring staff that work with us.
St Clare’s provides an excellent education for its students. Staff are dedicated to catering for individuals and their diverse needs. We enjoy a very close link with the church and classes celebrate Mass regularly and enjoy class visits from our Parish Priest, Fr Hilary Flynn.
I am a strong advocate for parental involvement in the school community and engagement in learning and as such encourage parents of St Clare’s to take an active role in the education of their children. Education begins at birth and so our staff build on the foundations laid by parents in the home, where children first learn about themselves and others. Parents play a vital role in supporting the learning processes as well as building a happy, healthy and resilient community. Strong relationships between home and the school benefit student learning and wellbeing.
Applications for enrolment into Prep and all other year levels are welcome at any time of the year. I invite you to come and see for yourself what a wonderful school St Clare’s is and to consider whether St Clare’s is the right fit for your child and your family.
Thank you for taking the time to tour our website and I invite you to contact the school should you have any questions or would like to arrange a personal tour of the school with me.
Karran Burzacott – Principal