St Clare’s provides a culture of inclusiveness and acknowledges the uniqueness and individuality of students and families. This commitment to inclusive practices is supportive of both church teaching and legislative requirements. St Clare’s strives to model our school charism of Respect, Faith, Knowledge and Community living out Jesus’ values in our commitment to provide equitable access and support diverse learners achieve their education potential within a supportive Christian community.
School staff respond to the educational needs of all students identifying individual learning needs. Teachers plan and implement rigorous and meaningful learning opportunities, providing all students with adjustments to support their learning needs. Staff are provided with high quality professional learning to assist them in understanding the diverse learning needs of students.
St Clare’s staff supports students with diverse needs by working together with parents in the development and implementation of personalised learning plans. Staff also work in partnership with Student Services Team at Catholic Education Services, accessing specialist services, programs and resources. This enables St Clare’s to offer a quality education to all students and their families.