Excursions and Camps – Camps (Years 4-6) are a part of the school curriculum. Excursions for all year levels are planned by class teachers with a curriculum focus and may vary from year to year. All children are expected to participate in any class excursion/camp.
Leadership Day – Year 5 students have a leadership day in Term 4. The focus on this is to prepare students as they enter their final year of primary school and become the leaders of the school. It is run by the Assistant Principal Religious Education and class teacher.
Readers Cup Challenge – Students in Years 5 and 6 are invited to nominate for selection for the Far North Qld Regional Readers Cup Challenge, held in June. The school selects a team of four students who attend the Challenge. Each student is required to read and learn the content focused on in the selected reading texts chosen by the Readers Cup Organisers and provided by the school.
ICAS Competition – Students from Years 3 to 6 are offered the chance to compete in the ICAS Competition throughout Terms 2 and 3 in Learning Areas such as English, Maths and Science.
Just Leadership Day – Students in the Stewardship Team may have the opportunity to attend the diocesan day which focuses on social justice in action.
Other opportunities of extra-curricular activities may be offered to students as one-off experiences if available (e.g. author workshops)