St Clare’s curriculum has been designed to meet the general and individual needs and interests of the students in our school. St Clare’s meets the high standards set by both Government and Catholic Education authorities. In addition to Religious Education that is delivered in the same style as the Australian Curriculum, we teach the prescribed Australian Curriculum in the areas of:
- Mathematics
- English
- Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS)
- Science
- Technology
- The Arts
- Health & Physical Education (HPE)
- Languages Other Than English (Italian)
The learning across the curriculum is enhanced and enriched through the integration of key events throughout the school year. This includes various visiting school performances, involvement in activities such as ANZAC Day March, Book Week, Science Week, Catholic Education Week, NAIDOC Week and various feast days in the church calendar.
Excursions and camps are also a part of the school curriculum.
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Visible Learning
St Clare’s has recently begun the implementation of Visible Learning and Explicit Teaching as our major teaching focus. Visible Learning is based on one premise that Learning is the explicit goal: with feedback given and sought and with active, passionate, engaging people; including teachers, students, peers and families participating in the act of learning.
This method of teaching is based on the research of Professor John Hattie. He found that teachers need to assist students to become their own teachers to achieve at higher levels. His research also finds that the student brings to school factors that influence achievement as well as a set of thoughts and attitudes that can have a marked effect on the outcomes of schooling.
The child, the home, the school, the teacher, the curriculum and the approaches to teaching all have a contribution. We as a school have been implementing Visible Learning for the past few years and this has shown definite rewards for our students and their learning.
Student Wellbeing
SEL (Social Emotional Learning)
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is taught and integrated across all year levels.
St Clare’s School utilises the ‘Second Steps’ Education program with its main purpose to support communities, schools and homes in a collective effort to optimise the social, emotional and academic outcomes of all young people.
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) supports students to develop fundamental skills necessary for wellbeing and life effectiveness. SEL enables students to recognise and manage emotions, demonstrate care and concern for others, establish positive relationships, make responsible decisions and handle challenging situations effectively.
Buddy Program
Classes participate in structured, teacher-directed ‘Buddy Time’ with another class. ‘Buddy Time’ encourages children to form positive and supportive relationships with one another.
Wellbeing Week
In Week 8 of each term the school community enjoys Wellbeing Week. Students do not have homework expectations for the week and are encouraged to focus on ‘family time’. Usually a special activity within classrooms or with their Buddy class is planned for the week. Staff also enjoy a special wellbeing focus during their staff meeting in Week 8.
St Clare’s provides students with the necessary resources and skills to successfully engage with the new Technologies Curriculum. Class sets of iPads, laptops and Chromebooks allow students to have access to the equipment necessary to be active participants in curriculum, as well as local and global programs. All classrooms are fitted with Interactive Whiteboards. Provision is made yearly in our school budget for the upgrading of computer resources within our school. Each year students and parents are required to complete an ICT User Agreement which outlines the rules and responsibilities for using ICT at school, highlighting the importance of safe and equitable ICT usage.