St Clare’s School has a specialist teacher who teaches Health and Physical Education to each year level for 2 hours per week.
Physical Education
Every child is required to take part in sporting activities unless extreme circumstances prevent this. Sport varies with the seasons and is governed to a large extent by representative sport being played at the time. Children have the opportunity to compete in representative sport through the Tully and District Primary Schools Sports Association. The school has a house system. The houses are Cooby (Blue) and Woomera (Gold). The children remain in the same team throughout their time at St Clare’s.
Health lessons are part of the curriculum and focus on key learning from the Australian Curriuclum for each year level.
All schools in the Cairns Diocese are mandated to implement the Daniel Morcombe Child Safety Curriculum as part of Catholic Education’s continued commitment to enhancing the safety and wellbeing of students.
The Curriculum is aligned with the Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education. It aims to teach children about personal safety and awareness, including Cybersafety, by focusing on three key safety messages: Recognise, React and Report.
Swimming lessons are held during the fourth term at the Tully Memorial Pool. Parents are reminded that the swimming program is part of the school curriculum and, as such, all children are required to participate. If not swimming, the child will need to bring a note from parents, which states the reason for the child’s absence from the swimming lesson. Continued exemption must have the Principal’s approval and parents should contact the Principal regarding this matter. Children with infections are not permitted in the pool. An entry fee to the pool is charged in the school levies.
School Sports
Our school sports program includes the following school-based sporting opportunities:
- St Clare’s Cross Country
- District Cross Country
- St Clare’s Athletics Carnival
- District Interschool Athletics Carnival
- St Clare’s Swimming Carnival
- District Swimming Carnival
Local Sport Gala Days
Gala days for sports occur during the year and students from Years 4-6 may be invited to participate (e.g. Rugby netball, touch). These days offer the possibility of district representation if selected.
Mary Mills Cup
Girls in Years 5 & 6 are invited to participate in the Mary Mills Netball Championship, competing against opposing teams from Catholic primary schools within the Diocese. This occurs during Term 3.
Jim Graham Cup
Boys in Years 5 & 6 are invited to participate in the Jim Graham Rugby Championship competing against opposing teams from Catholic primary schools within the Diocese. This sporting opportunity also occurs during Term 3.