While it has not been the start we would usually have, welcome to the 2022 school year! We cannot wait to have all our students back on-site from Monday 7th February, and really get started.
You will be aware that the State Government announced its back to school plan on the weekend.
Following Queensland Health advice over the last two years has served us well, as has maintaining consistency with Education Queensland where appropriate. As such, our schools will follow the same plan as state schools. The plan applies from 7 February until 4 March this year and is summarised in our latest school newsletter.
Full details of the back-to-school plan are available here: qed.qld.gov.au/covid19/back-to-school
At the moment this plan will be in place for 4 weeks. Pick-up in the afternoon will remain the same with the collection of students at 3pm from the front entrance on Mars St. A reminder that Mars St in front of the school is a stop, drop, go zone. There is a 2 minute limit in this zone. Parents wishing to get out of their cars to collect children will need to park elsewhere and walk into the school.
It is looking likely that we will need to postpone some scheduled school events as detailed in the newsletter. We will also not gather as a whole school for our weekly assemblies for this period of time. With this in mind, communication between school and home will be extremely important.
Ways in which we communicate are:
- School Newsletter – sent out fortnightly on Tuesday’s, even weeks
- Via the Seesaw app – please contact your child’s teacher if you don’t have access
- Our school Facebook page will often have reminders
- Via email and phone
It is likely that the school will be impacted by cases of COVID-19 over the coming weeks. We will no doubt have staff and students unable to attend due to having to isolate. In the event of staff needing to isolate, please be assured the continuation of learning and teaching for our students will be our priority and every attempt will be made to minimise disruptions.
We will update the school community about further developments on a regular basis by including information about the presence of cases within the school community via our school newsletter or through email where required. We ask that you notify the school at your earliest convenience should your student test positive. Queensland Health advice in relation to isolation and testing can be found here.
We will continue to work closely with health authorities to keep our school community informed of any developments and advice. Thank you once again for your ongoing support.
Prep Enrolments 2023
Prep enrolments for 2023 are well underway with many applications already received. If you have a child who was born between 1 July 2017 and 30 June 2018 please go to the Enrolments section of this website and complete the Application for Enrolment online. If you have any queries please contact the school office when it reopens in January next year.