I am grateful every day for the wonderful staff we have at St Clare’s. Everyone has had to change the way they operate as educators and be flexible on a daily basis as we navigate through this pandemic. Our students have shown maturity and flexibility in their ability to cope with their everchanging world. Some have taken on learning from home with challenges navigated along the way, others have come to school but are learning in a very different way than face to face teaching. We are very proud of our students and what they achieve every day! Thank you to all parents, carers and grandparents for your support of our school and of your children. Remember, we are the St. Clare’s Community and “We’re all in this together!” Look after yourself and each other.
As we enter Week 4 of the term, we begin yet another change in learning with our Prep and Yr 1 students returning to school. Other students (Years 2–6), including siblings of students returning to school, will continue with the home-based learning model unless they have parents who are essential workers and required to be at workplaces.
We look forward to our Yr 2-6 students returning in a full time capacity at school on Monday May 25th.
Schools have many regulations and restrictions in place for at least the remainder of this term. There will be no assemblies, sporting activities (apart from PE lessons), excursions or camps in Term 2.
A reminder of important messages regarding procedures at school:
- Prep / Yr 1 and siblings (essential workers children) will be picked up at 2:50pm each day (for remainder of term)
- Yr 2-6 students of essential workers finish at 3pm
- Any student who is sick is required to stay home from school and parents should advise the teacher or ring the absentee line before 9am. We have recommenced our absentee SMS service this week.
- Limited adult contact on school grounds. If parents need to see a teacher it must be by arrangement and they must present to the office to check in and use hand sanitizer before going to rooms.
- During drop off in the morning parents are asked to use ‘Stop, Drop and Go’. Only students and school staff are to enter classrooms in the morning.