Term 4 is certainly moving quickly as we continue to engage in learning opportunities both inside and outside of the classroom. We have been extremely fortunate to have a number of events already, such as Day for Daniel, Crazy Sock Day and the Melbourne Cup Hat Parade. It is truly beautiful to see students connecting across year levels on these special occasions, that sense of community is part of what makes St. Clare’s such a special place. We have a few more of these opportunities to gather on the horizon, with the Year 6 class organising the mini fete, the swimming carnival (hopefully) and concert and BBQ still to come.
The Official Junior Precinct Opening was held on Tuesday in recognition of all the effort and work that went into bringing a large scale building project like this to completion. The multitude of decisions and disruptions along the way have been well worth it, as St. Clare’s now has some wonderful new learning spaces and facilities to enjoy for many years to come. We also ‘officially’ farewelled Ms Harney at the Opening Ceremony. It was fantastic to have Ms Harney back for the opening of the building project that she was instrumental in getting off the ground and completed. We wish her all the best in the next stage of her journey, knowing that we are likely to bump into her from time to time around town.