Week 8 is Wellbeing Week, and we take the opportunity for a little reflection time and acknowledge all that we are grateful for. Students (and parents) have the week off from written homework. For staff, we do not hold a formal staff meeting in Week 8. Hopefully you can replace homework time this week with a family activity and enjoy some time together.
As we head into the final weeks of Term 1, things are still busy with a few events yet to take place, including the St. Patrick’s Day Free Dress and buddy activities on Friday 15th.
Over the next two weeks our students in Year 3 and 5 will participate in NAPLAN. Students will start with writing on Wednesday, Language Conventions and Reading on Thursday and Numeracy the following Monday. We wish these students all the best for NAPLAN.
Cyber Safety Solutions Parent Session – Susan McLean will be running a parent information session on Tuesday 12th March. I strongly recommend that you attend this if you are able. There will be confronting information about keeping our children safe online, Susan has extensive experience and knowledge to share to assist. Susan will also run a session for our Year 3-6 students during the day.
Sent to the Principal’s Office: Over the past two weeks I have been visited by students showing off some amazing writing skills. I have read some great recounts full of descriptive language, tricky words and fantastic punctuation and spelling. Thanks everyone for sharing!